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Surreal is what I would call this game. I had fun playing it and even laughed at some points, overal great wxpierence.

My favourite part is when they blow up the killer's toilet.

Had a lot of fun playing this one! Would be cool to see the Toilet Seat Killer fight the Poop Killer from 616 Games!

Loved it!

great fear

Absolutely awesome! The puzzles were quite clever and the story was proof that dark humor horror can be a great concept! Thank you and i do hope you check out my video! @Impostersyndrome !

This might be one of my favourite games I have played this year. I will 100% be following and checking out future games!

This gem has been waiting in my backlog folder for months, and on 8/12/22 it was released back on the world.

Full Play No Commentary 

I like the idea of the game, but I really dislike the second part of the battle. 

I tried several times but I cannot figure out where to hit him, it seems really random, and even though I swing at him, there's like a 1 in 10 chance it'll actually hit him.

Also when you die and load the save, you don't get the medkit (even though I'm pretty sure I picked it up), which makes that battle even harder. 

If you can tell me how or where I should be hitting him, or if I have to wait for a specific animation to play, I'll give it another go.

Toilets are now my enemy. I don't use them. The world is my toilet. That being said, great job.

best game ever in the world



That was SO FUN!!!!!! my little boy and i like to pick out several random horror games to play before bed, and this one was a winner!!


It seems like a fun lil game, i just can't play it bc my screen keeps TURNING UPSIDE DOWN?!! Is that supposed to happen or?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

I liked your game. The perfect combination of horror and comedy

I will be glad to subscribe to the channel\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

Best Horror game ever

I am now scared of going poop alone. 

very scary!?! im so fraking hard...?


oh man, imposter syndrome did it again. first M.Stain and now this gem?? i want more!!!

even though the game is on the shorter side (20-30 minutes) the storytelling is so good. this game is unpredictable and weird as hell and that's what makes it fun! a true campy horror gem.

Hilarious animations absolutely loved it great job!!!

A very tongue in cheek game which was extremely fun to play through. Only real gripe would be the controls which felt sluggish and inconsistent. Overall I enjoyed the playthrough so well done. :)


L game, boo boo controls, lazy


I signed up just to say i absolutely love your work, and i hope you're able to put games like this on Steam so they'll get TONS of views and the love they deserve! 

Please, please come back! I looooooove your games. Whatever becomes your next project, i will play it. 

Horrific and ridiculous, I absolutely loved it!

Really fun game love the dark humor that it has i would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a quick fun game! 

Added to my favourite games ever

Hi! This game is really good. I put on my channel too to share for all :)


Hey! Played your game on my stream a few weeks ago and finally made a vid! Was super fun, thought the animation style was funny, and the ending did catch me off guard. I still want to know why (*spoiler*) he grandpa's head was in the shower wall XD (*spoiler*). Please continue making these!


ngl, this games pretty ass

The dark humor and the entire setup/presentation of the game is amazing! I enjoyed Deathflush even more than your last game. I hope you make more!

Worth a play! Got some nice short puzzles and even a mini boss battle at the end! If you don't want to play it and would rather watch, I did a let's play on the game if anyone wants to check it out!

If I had to describe this game in one word it'd be "PERFECTION". Be sure to check out the vid I made for it on my YouTube, AMAZING JOB DEVELOPER KEEP CREATING GAMES!!!

between the halo energy sword toilet seat that the killer uses and the skinned man rotating on a hook by his anus, I had a hard time picking my favorite thing about this game.
Well done.

this was such a fun game lol. there was so many poop jokes. i think hes going to be the new riddler 


poopoo + scary = the perfect game? -yub


This game is just as ridiculous as it sounds! It did surprise me a few times and made me laugh more than I expected. very good indie game, well worth checking out


poopoo game u-u

Well. I went for this. What an experience hahahaha

Three Weird Games #1

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